PPG Waveterm B

CHF 5'500

Like its older brother (Waveterm A), the Waveterm B is a state-of-the-art instrument that is still used by many top studios around the globe. The Waveterm B features – 16 bit sampling, 5.25 inch floppy disk drive, WAVE 2.3 plays samples with 12 bit resolution (compressed), sequencer on board, storage of patches and the possibility to load multiple samples into the PPG 2.3

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The Waveterm B had more memory than the Waveterm A, plus 16-bit resolution and a better A/D converter. So it was quite powerful! An interesting feature of the Waveterm B was its backward compatibility. Even though the CPU was a 68000, it could be booted as a Waveterm A with the right system disk. It has a huge sample library!